
Description and use the command /ban

Bot's command /ban is able moderators and administrators to ban users for a certain period or forever.

Note. This command supports arguments! Read the following paragraphs for the details

Note. This command supports "quiet" mode. In this mode, your commands will be deleted, and members of your chat will not see any notifications To use "quiet" mode add "q" before the command (like /qban instead of /ban)

Configuration of the command

  • Press the button "Chat settings" near the selected chat on the "My Chats" page

  • Open "Moderation" settings by clicking the corresponding menu item

  • Enable /ban command on the page

Command usage

This command is available only for moderators and administrators in the chat

Simple usage

Just send /ban as a reply to a message and the user will be banned and the message will be removed.

Or you may use the /ban command with one argument - the user mention:

Usage with arguments

Command /ban supports the following arguments:

  • Length of the ban in minutes, hours, and days

  • "No-delete" mark which prevents to deletion of the message from the banned user

  • Reason - the reason that will be saved

Ban a user by the mention

/ban <mention> <reason>

Arguments for the /ban command in this case are:

  • mention (required) - any valid user mention (just type @ and then mention any user in your chat by username or by name)

  • duration (optional) - the period for which the user will be blocked. If not provided - the user will be banned forever Xm - X minutes Xh - X hours Xd - X days

  • reason (optional) - a reason for the ban will be saved and printed

Ban a user by reply

You can also ban a user by replying to their message with the ban command

/ban <duration> <delete> <reason>

Arguments for the /bane command in this case are:

  • duration (optional) - the period for which the user will be blocked. If not provided - the user will be banned forever Xm - X minutes Xh - X hours Xd - X days

  • delete (optional) - if this argument is no-delete, the message you reply to won't be deleted

  • reason (optional) - a reason for the ban will be saved and printed

Let's ban a user for 1 hour:

Now let's ban the user forever, but keep its message

Also, you may combine both arguments in any order. In the example below, we will ban the user for 5 days and keep its message

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